It Has Been Brought to My Attention
that i have neglected to blog on the events of last saturday night and more importantly our Ho's Warming party (or House warming party to everone who isn't amy).
well ok then
so we as a house managed to pull together a sizable quantity of beer wine and vodka for our party much to the thanks of perservierance and the NFT guide to brooklyn. and we invited a nice amout of people from very disprate places. so all in all our party was a huge success. none of my HS friends came but i'm not that bumed about it but Paul and Mayo came and that made me happy. i haven't seen Paul in a while and he is one of my favorit people and the always lovely Mayo, there were other Hof guests including Heaton wich means that half of the "camping trip of doom" was in the apartment. and of course Bunny, Jack's former roomate and the first victem of an Amy nickname, stoped by. in non-Hof news Mike my friend who lives in Jersey City stoped in and spent all of the night talking to one of the weslian kids who's name is something like Kerian or Carin i don't remember (i'm shit with names). also in attendance was Kaitlin, taking the long trip from three blocks away to join the fun and there was also Derek and Jimmy from Albany who stoped by after geting lost trying to get from Manhattan to Brookly (they called me and asked for directions which was quite pointless). two of my BN coworkers also showed up (though i only techicly invited one person at work) and the elder of them became nicknamed Old Guy for the rest of the party (which he stay at far longer then i would have wanted him too). PS:i interview for his job tomrow as he is moving back to Philly.
Lets see who else was there. there was the Caitlin-Matt-Joe-Meridith whirl wind that blew into my room smoked a cylindrical pressent from Joe and then departed. it was a perfect moment just quietly partying in my room with some delightful people while there is a raging party going on outside.
Arusha got out of work and started drinking around 11:15 and was drunk by 11:30 and started to run around doing all kinds of odd things like climbing the walls and forcing everone to eat bananas so that they "wouldn't be drunk" there was also an extended time of sitting on the kitchen floor featuring Me, Jack, Cassie, and Shesta(Jack's former roomate also named John). folowing this was a nice session of me and Cassie half passed out on Jack's bed hiding from "Old Guy"/being tired. finally around 3 all the people who weren't staying the night left and that left everone who was staing the night (which was alot of people) to try to find beds. i took mike to my room and the people he was talking to slept out on the futon in the dining room, jess hoffman passed out on the couch, as did Jamie's other friend that came "the guy with the deap voice" Brad, Cassie obviously slept in Jack's bed and i think Shesta slept in Arusha's bed.
the next mornign everone was awoken aroun 8 when Arusha had to go to work and woke up the kid with the deep voice. me and mike did not emerge from my room so we missed what would turn out to be brunch part one or how to get realy realy soaking wet walking to get food on a sunday morning. after they returned and started to bake their wet cloths in the oven we joined them and had some more dance party moments while Brad a tall strong looking felow walked around in a pink towel waiting for his pants to finish cooking. there were some fights over music and the admarition of the music Brad had attached to the computer in the dining room (it did include the Clash, a must for everyone, even gay boys). so after a few more departures, Brad, Mike and the two guys he spent most of the night talking to. it was down to Me, Cassie, Jack, Jess, and Shesta for brunch part two or how to thorughly embarras Arusha at work by having jess spill honey mustard all over her self. and as a bonus by the time we left the sun was bright and everthing was drying out.
the rest of the day was spent
cleaning up which didn't take that long
finding and activating a wireless router for our internet (a project that still isn't totaly finished as our legal internet is sucking)
taking stock of all the beer that people had brought with them and hadn't been opend (we have beer for at least another week and a half)
jess didn't leave untill around 8 (she said every hour on the hour that she should leave)
it was a good two day stretch
now if you will excuse me i have to work for the next 6 days in a row (including today that's 7, Fuck BN they better promote me and pay me more for this shit)
i will try to put up something in that time but i make no garuntees.
it is a privilege to have an amy nickname.
someday, they'll tell my great grandkids about it.
i feel like i was at the party because you think of me so i was there.
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