A Triptych Blog: Part Two, Bullett Points - - The Blog
Due to both the F train and my shitty-still-pirated-internet-which-i-intend-to-fix-soonTomorow Morning today's Yesterday's post will be entirly in bullett points (sans powerpoint style flourishes)
- I met the reason why i don't say i moved to brookly to wirte
-He gives anyone who puts pen to paper a bad name
-"if alieans were to arive at earth, meet him first, and then decide to destroy us i would totaly understand" Matt (Caitlin's BF) - Caitlin's Friends are awsome
- Caitlin's Friend's Friends suck
- I realy am her hottest gay friend
- A bathtub full of beer is a great idea till there is a line for the bathroom
- 2/3 of my sexual history might Will be here tomorow and the boy from work who i might want to sleep with
-if i don't get any romorow night god realy does hate me (i'm leaving this in despite the fact that due to too many people i can/want too hook up with will not gaurente me any and will probably make things very complicated) - i went to High School with Cassidy and 4 years of college and today i had the longest conversation with him in 5 years
- he managed to not talk about himself which for him is a bit of an achevement
- trying to read quasi-existentialst fiction while still mostly drunk on a suway leaveing the hipster capitol of the world when there are abunch of kids randomly speeking russian around you, not productive
- my life is good, i think i might almost be able to come to tears with that
- i'm glad caitlin got into fordam i think she is so worth it.
- and i don't want her to leave the ciy ever(at least not whil i still live here)
- My mom sent me easter candy and girl scout cookies, i realy am lucky
- my dad buys me books and give me free classic (good classic like Dylan and John Fayhe) rock
- wow. i think i am actualy happy i'm not sure how to deal with this
- I know shut up and go to bed
- I have a party tomorw
trying to read quasi-existentialst fiction while still mostly drunk on a suway leaveing the hipster capitol of the world when there are abunch of kids randomly speeking russian around you, not productive
you'll leave the city for a bit. you , me, and daniel are moving to new zealand for a year.
it makes me so happy that you are happy. crying is good. i do it sometimes when i remember what a good friend you are.
Wait...we are?!?
*peter is my favorite psloper...
*dave eggers is my other favorite psloper
*i think my boyfriend is fabulous also, that is why he is my boyfriend
*that was a pretty clever line he had there
*did you get laid/a bj/an otphj at least?
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