Greenie is Not so Good at Job Interviews
that's not entirely true, at least i hope.
mostly i'm just realy good at geting flustered and forgeting things
like the phone number of the old bookstore i worked at upstate. and thanks to a friend from back home who reponded to my text in a very timly fassion i didn't compleatly fuck up the application. other then my compleet lack of decent penmanship.
also the building is failry confusing by it's self. the address is on 6th ave but the actual entrance (or more acuratly entrances) are on 50th. and then when you get into the building there are alot of security guards and elevators but not a good idea of where to go. finaly i asked one of the security guards and they informed me that the place that looked like a small coffe shoppe was actualy the "reception area" they gave me a cute little pass that compleatly refused to stay attached to anyplace i put it, adding to my flusterdness.
so i get up to the office on the 12th floor and talk to the receptionist there and she hands me an application form and a pen. i don't konw why i was compleatly un prepared for this. so after alot of crappy penmanship and even more forgoten phone numbers and addresses i finished and handed it back to the recptionist. a few moments later she handed me the aplication back and a small slip of paper with directions of how to get to the woman who would be interviewing me.
back down on the elevator to the other set of elevators so that i could go to the third floor where i had to call this woman at her office. so after calling her i wait. for an anoying amount of time. finaly she arives and we go down to the second floor to find a small meeting room for the interview. she was the HR person so she asked a bunch of the more boring questions and i think i did ok but i always think i sound less coherant then i do. i just assume that if i'm talking something crazy must be comeing out of my mouth.
we finished interview part one and we went back up to the third floor and walked down a realy long hallway. the second woman i was supposed to talk to was in the middle of a call so i went with the first woman to her cubicle and sat around for a little while longer. watching her answer e-mail.
finaly the last part of the interview wich involves this second woman telling me almost the exact same stuff that the first one did and asking me a few questions and then asking me if i had any questions and i tried to make up some questions that didn't sound like i was mentaly deficiant but also wouldn't make me sound like i was bored with her. i compleatly fumbled trying to get out of her small and clutterd office and then i went back down the realy long hallway had a fight with the door to get back to the elevators and then left the big scary building.
wanderd around for a little while. not finding anything too intresting to do i got back on the subway and came home.
evining was me finishing reading my book and then i had dinner with the always fun jess hoffman.
today returning library books and trying realy hard (and failing) to only take out one book.
so now i have three more library books (atleast they are all under 200 pages) and a book club book to read allong with all the books i have on my bookshelf and three more coming in the mail soon.
i am a book junky.
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